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Mask paabiacaŭ błakavać akaŭnty ŭ tvitary za antyizrailskija łozunhi

  • Mafkees
    Bipolaročka prohrieśsirujet.
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    Rekłama - ruchavik prahresu
  • Pientahon
    Oj, a što zdaryłasia? Babła nie dajuć?
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    Ź siabie niachaj pačynaje.
  • Mask kak vsiehda protiv tiečienija
    Dažie lidier svobodnoho mira Džo Bajdien na stranicach The Washington Post čietko skazał, čto Palestina pośle vojny pieriestaniet byť kołonijej i połučit hosudarstviennoju niezavisimosť ot rieki Iordan do Sriediziemnoho moria, izrailskije ekstriemisty dołžny byť privlečieny k otvietstviennosti za napadienija na palestinciev Zapadnoho bierieha rieki Iordan i lišieny vizy SŠA… Tak, čto «diekołonizacija» i «ot rieki do moria» davno užie političieskij miejnstrim, a nie «antiizrailskije łozunhi»…

    Joe Biden: The U.S. won't back down from the challenge of Putin and Hamas
    By Joe Biden November 18, 2023 at 2:01 p.m. EST

    ....«There must be no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade, and no reduction in territory. And after this war is over, the voices of Palestinian people and their aspirations must be at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza.

    As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank should be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution. I have been emphatic with Israel's leaders that extremist violence against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop and that those committing the violence must be held accountable. The United States is prepared to take our own steps, including issuing visa bans against extremists attacking civilians in the West Bank.»....